Veteran actor Mushtaq Khan, known for his roles in Hum Hain Rahi Pyaar Ke and Welcome, was reportedly abducted, tortured, and forced to pay ₹ 2 lakh before managing to escape. The incident occurred on November 20 in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, and police have registered an FIR based on the complaint filed by his manager.
According to the complaint, Mr. Khan was approached by a man named Rahul Saini, who invited him to a felicitation event in Meerut. On November 15, Saini contacted the actor at his Mumbai residence, offering ₹ 25,000 upfront via UPI as part of his fee and promising the balance later. He also sent an air ticket from Mumbai to Delhi.
On November 20, Mr. Khan landed in Delhi, where a cab arranged by Saini picked him up. The vehicle initially had a driver and another passenger, but it soon stopped, and the actor was asked to switch to another car. This second vehicle already had two men, and two more joined later, raising Mr. Khan’s suspicions. When he protested, the men covered his head with a sheet and forced him to remain quiet.
After several hours, they reached a house where Mr. Khan was tortured and coerced into transferring ₹ 2 lakh to the kidnappers' account. His phone was used for the transaction. Later, the kidnappers began drinking and fell asleep in the early hours of the morning. Taking advantage of the situation, the actor escaped and sought refuge in a nearby mosque. The mosque’s cleric helped him contact his family.
Mr. Khan’s manager later lodged a formal complaint on his behalf, as the actor was reportedly unwell. The complaint demands strict action against those responsible.
Link to Sunil Pal’s Abduction Case?
The Meerut kidnapping bears a striking resemblance to the recent abduction of comedian Sunil Pal. Mr. Pal was reportedly kidnapped during a trip to Uttarakhand. According to his statement, a man posing as a fan forced him into a car during a stop for snacks. The kidnappers demanded ₹ 20 lakh but released him after he managed to arrange ₹ 8 lakh with the help of friends.
Pal was eventually dropped by the roadside in Meerut, from where he traveled to Delhi and flew back to Mumbai. His wife had also filed a missing person report. Police are currently investigating whether the two cases are linked.
Meerut Police have intensified their probe into these alarming incidents and are working to identify potential connections between the two kidnappings.