The Maharashtra excise department on Sunday revoked the permit to serve alcohol at actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh’s concert in Pune’s Kothrud area. The decision came after objections were raised by several individuals, including newly elected BJP MLA Chandrakant Patil.
State excise commissioner C. Rajput confirmed the cancellation, stating, “The permission to serve liquor during the event has been withdrawn.” The concert was scheduled to take place later in the evening at Kakade Farm in Kothrud.
MLA Chandrakant Patil opposed the event, citing concerns about its impact on the locality. In a statement, he remarked, “Such events do not align with the cultural ethos of the city. They will cause significant inconvenience to residents, including potential disturbances and traffic congestion. I have requested the city police commissioner to cancel the programme.”
While the concert itself was not cancelled, the prohibition on alcohol service marked a significant response to local concerns regarding the event’s organization.