A Bengaluru court on Saturday granted bail to Nikita Singhania, her mother Nisha Singhania, and brother Anurag Singhania, who were arrested in connection with the suicide of techie Atul Subhash. Subhash, an Artificial Intelligence engineer, died by suicide on December 9, alleging harassment by his wife and her family.
The accused were arrested earlier in December—Nikita from Gurugram and her mother and brother from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Following their arrests, they were brought to Bengaluru and placed in judicial custody for 14 days. The trio later moved Bengaluru's City Civil Court seeking bail after the Karnataka High Court directed the sessions court to expedite the hearing of their petition.
Subhash's death gained attention after he left behind a 24-page note and an 81-minute video detailing his alleged harassment by his wife and in-laws. In his purported death note, Subhash claimed that his wife and her family had subjected him to emotional torture, marital conflict, and false accusations, which pushed him to take the extreme step. He also posted the video online, stating, “A legal genocide of men is happening in India,” tagging prominent figures including Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
During police questioning, Nikita denied the allegations, asserting that she had been separated from Subhash for nearly three years. However, Subhash’s family has accused her of withholding information about his young son. Atul’s father has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene, alleging they are unaware of the child’s whereabouts and seeking custody of their grandson.
Subhash’s tragic death and the circumstances surrounding it have sparked debates about mental health, familial disputes, and alleged misuse of legal provisions in marital conflicts. The case continues to be closely watched as further legal proceedings unfold.