Chief Justice of India, Sanjiv Khanna, along with 24 other Supreme Court judges and their spouses, is set to embark on a private trip to Andhra Pradesh from January 11 to 14. The itinerary includes visits to Visakhapatnam and Araku Valley, according to sources.
Described as an informal getaway during the Court's vacation, the trip aims to provide a relaxing break for the judges and their families.
Sources emphasized that the travel expenses will be covered through Leave Travel Concession (LTC) benefits or personal funds, ensuring that the trip is not financed by the Court. LTC is a facility available to all government employees.
The idea for the trip reportedly came from the Chief Justice, who sought to create an opportunity for the judges and their families to unwind together. "It was decided to use LTC or personal expenses since families are involved. This is not an official visit," a source clarified.