The Delhi High Court on Monday dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of former IAS trainee Puja Khedkar, accused of cheating and fraudulently availing benefits under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) and disability quotas to clear the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examinations.
Khedkar had approached the High Court after a trial court earlier denied her anticipatory bail. While she was granted interim protection in August, the High Court, after examining the evidence and allegations, found compelling reasons to reject her plea.
The court remarked that Khedkar’s alleged actions were seemingly motivated by “a desire to exploit schemes designed to support disadvantaged groups.” Investigations revealed that her family, reportedly affluent and influential, might have played a role in procuring fraudulent certificates to manipulate the reservation system.
In its judgment, the court strongly criticised Khedkar's alleged conduct, stating, “Her actions exemplify a grave misuse of quotas, undermining the integrity of constitutional provisions and societal trust.” The court further highlighted that her alleged activities appeared to be part of a larger conspiracy, necessitating custodial interrogation to uncover the full scope of the fraud.
The High Court underscored the seriousness of the case, noting the significant number of aspirants who compete for UPSC each year and emphasizing the importance of upholding fairness and equality in the examination process.
Dismissing Khedkar’s petition, the court concluded, “A prima facie case has been established against the petitioner, warranting detailed interrogation to unravel the conspiracy.”
Khedkar is accused of misrepresenting information on her UPSC Civil Services Examination 2022 application to secure reservation benefits—allegations she has categorically denied.