A Delhi court on Monday sentenced social activist Medha Patkar to five months of simple imprisonment in connection with a 24-year-old defamation case filed against her by VK Saxena, who currently serves as the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi. The court also directed Patkar to pay Rs 10 lakh in damages to Saxena.
Patkar, aged 69, was convicted earlier this year by Metropolitan Magistrate Raghav Sharma. The legal dispute between Patkar and Saxena dates back to 2000 when Saxena, then chief of Ahmedabad-based NGO National Council for Civil Liberties, filed a defamation suit against her over advertisements critical of her and the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA).
Saxena had also lodged two additional cases against Patkar for alleged derogatory remarks made on a television channel and through a defamatory statement.
In its verdict, the magistrate court described Patkar's statements against Saxena as "not only defamatory but also aimed at provoking negative perceptions."
During sentencing on Monday, the court took into account Patkar's age and health, opting for a simple imprisonment term rather than a rigorous one.
Patkar has filed a bail plea, and the implementation of the jail sentence will remain suspended for 30 days pending the hearing of her plea.