Amid the ongoing protests over the alleged rape and murder of a trainee doctor in West Bengal, Asha Devi, the mother of Nirbhaya, the 2012 Delhi gang rape victim, has called for the resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Asha Devi accused Banerjee of failing to address the situation effectively.
Speaking to PTI, Asha Devi criticized the chief minister for not taking decisive action against the perpetrators. Instead of using her authority to bring the culprits to justice, Banerjee is allegedly attempting to distract the public by leading protests, according to Asha Devi.
The incident in question involved the alleged rape and murder of a 31-year-old postgraduate trainee doctor at R G Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata on August 9. This tragedy has sparked widespread protests from students and doctors nationwide, all demanding justice for the victim.
Asha Devi condemned Banerjee's response, stating, "As a woman and the head of the state, Mamata Banerjee should have taken strict action against the culprits. Her failure to do so is unacceptable, and she should resign."
On Friday, Mamata Banerjee led a protest march from Moulali to Dorina Crossing in Kolkata, calling for justice for the victim and demanding that the culprits be hanged. However, Asha Devi believes that such protests are merely a diversion from the real issue.
She further emphasized that until both central and state governments take serious steps to ensure swift punishment for rapists, such heinous crimes will continue across the country. "When a young woman is not safe in a Kolkata medical college, it raises grave concerns about the state of women's safety nationwide," she remarked.
Following the incident, one suspect was arrested by West Bengal Police, but due to alleged lapses in the investigation, the Calcutta High Court has transferred the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).