Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu, on Thursday for a 24-hour meditation session at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial. This visit follows the conclusion of the Lok Sabha election campaign on Thursday evening.
PM Modi is set to meditate at the Rock Memorial, a monument dedicated to Swami Vivekananda, from the evening of May 30 to the evening of June 1. The meditation will take place at Dhyan Mandapam, the same spot where the revered spiritual leader once meditated.
After arriving from Thiruvananthapuram, PM Modi is scheduled to visit the Bhagavathi Amman Temple before heading to the Vivekananda Rock Memorial to begin his meditation.
Known for undertaking spiritual retreats after election campaigns, PM Modi visited Kedarnath in 2019 and Shivaji’s Pratapgarh in 2014.
The Lok Sabha election is being conducted in seven phases, starting on April 19, with results expected on June 4. PM Modi and the BJP are aiming to secure a victory that surpasses their 2019 performance.