The Pune Police have taken significant steps in two separate cases, registering a case against the father and grandfather of a minor involved in a Porsche car crash on May 19, and another case related to the abetment of suicide of a businessman's son.
According to reports, DS Kature, a construction business owner in Pune's Vadgaon Sheri area, filed a complaint accusing Vinay Kale of harassing his son, Shashikant Kature, who had borrowed money from Kale for construction work.
Allegedly, Kale imposed compounding interest when Shashikant failed to repay the loan, leading to Shashikant's suicide in January. A case has been registered against Kale under Sections 306 and 506 of the IPC at the Chandannagar police station.
Further investigation revealed the involvement of the juvenile's father, grandfather, and three others in the suicide case. Charges under Sections 420 and 34 of the IPC have been added to the case. The juvenile's grandfather is already in judicial custody for the alleged kidnapping and wrongful confinement of their family driver, who was coerced into taking responsibility for the fatal accident.
Meanwhile, the teen's grandfather has approached the Bombay High Court, alleging wrongful detention and false implication in the kidnapping case. The petition argues that due process was not followed, and the petitioner provided safety and protection to the driver after his release from police custody.