An FIR connected to the alleged assault of AAP Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal details a shocking incident of abuse at the residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on May 13. According to the FIR, Maliwal reported that Kejriwal's personal assistant, Bibhav Kumar, slapped her 7–8 times and kicked her repeatedly in the stomach and pelvis. Maliwal pleaded for him to stop, mentioning she was on her period, but to no avail.
The former Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief recounted that the attack took place around 9 am in the drawing room of Kejriwal's house. Although Kejriwal was present at the time, he is not named in the FIR.
Maliwal described sitting in the drawing room when Kumar burst in, began yelling at her without provocation, and started abusing her verbally. He allegedly shouted, "How can you not listen to us? What do you think, you despicable woman? We will teach you a lesson."
Following this outburst, Kumar allegedly slapped Maliwal multiple times. "I felt absolutely numb and shocked and was screaming for help over and over again," she stated in the FIR. Maliwal further alleged that Kumar dragged her by her shirt, causing her to fall and hit her head on a table. Despite her constant cries for help, no one came to her aid.