In Maharashtra's Nagpur city, a tragic incident unfolded as a woman reportedly killed her three-year-old daughter following a dispute with her husband, officials revealed on Wednesday. The distressing event occurred on Monday evening within the jurisdiction of MIDC police station.
The accused, identified as Twinkle Raut (23), along with her husband Rama Laxman Raut (24), had relocated to Nagpur four years ago in search of employment opportunities. They were employed at a paper products company and resided within the firm's premises on Hingna Road in the MIDC area.
According to officials, their relationship was marred by frequent arguments fueled by mutual mistrust. On Monday afternoon, the couple engaged in another altercation, during which their daughter began crying.
Allegedly consumed by anger, the woman took the child outside and, under a tree, is said to have strangled her to death. Subsequently, she walked with the lifeless body for nearly four kilometers. Around 8 pm, upon encountering a police patrolling vehicle, she informed the security personnel about the incident.
The police swiftly transported the child to a hospital, where medical professionals pronounced her deceased. Consequently, the MIDC police arrested the woman and charged her under Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code.
Following her arrest, the woman appeared before a court, which remanded her to police custody until May 24.