Kangana Ranaut and R Madhavan are reuniting after nearly a decade for an untitled film, marking their much-anticipated comeback since their successful pairing in Tanu Weds Manu Returns. The duo's chemistry in the 2015 film was widely appreciated, and their fans are excited for their collaboration once again.
Ranaut took to social media to announce the project with a behind-the-scenes photo from the set. The image features a clapperboard showing the details of the shoot. This project also brings Kangana back together with her Thalaivii director, Vijay, who will be directing the psychological thriller, expected to have a pan-India release. The movie is being produced by R Ravindran.
Kangana, who recently starred as Indira Gandhi in her directorial debut Emergency, shared her excitement for the new venture, posting, “Nothing is more delightful than being on a film set.” Meanwhile, Madhavan’s recent work includes his role in the Zee5 film Hisaab Barabar.
In 2023, Kangana had previously teased the film, describing it as a psychological thriller, and had sought her fans' blessings and support for what she called a "very unusual and exciting script."
Kangana and Madhavan had first come together for the 2011 film Tanu Weds Manu and its sequel, Tanu Weds Manu Returns, both of which were major hits.