Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav’s comments about infighting within the Uttar Pradesh BJP drew a sharp response from Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya. Yadav claimed that internal conflicts were undermining governance in the state, pointing to a reported rift between Maurya and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. He criticized the administration for making hasty decisions, particularly regarding teachers, and accused the BJP of weakening due to internal power struggles.
Maurya countered by asserting that the BJP maintains a strong organization and government both in Uttar Pradesh and at the national level. He dismissed Yadav's allegations, stating that a return of the Samajwadi Party's "hooliganism" in the state is impossible. He also emphasized the BJP’s commitment to stability and governance.
Yadav’s comments came after a meeting between Maurya and BJP chief JP Nadda, amid speculation of a rift between Maurya and Adityanath. The BJP faced a setback in the recent Lok Sabha elections, with the Samajwadi Party and Congress alliance winning 43 of Uttar Pradesh's 80 seats, while the BJP-led NDA secured 36 seats, down from 64 in 2019.
At a BJP working committee meeting on July 14, Adityanath attributed the party's electoral losses to overconfidence. Maurya, at the same meeting, highlighted the importance of the party organization over the government and expressed confidence in a BJP victory in the 2027 assembly polls.
In response to Yadav’s remarks, Maurya stressed the BJP’s stability and labeled the Samajwadi Party’s PDA (Pichda, Dalit, and Alpasankhyak) alliance as fraudulent. He reaffirmed the BJP’s aim to replicate its 2017 assembly election success in 2027.