Telugu superstar Allu Arjun and the makers of Pushpa 2 have pledged a total of ₹2 crore in compensation to the family affected by the tragic stampede during the film's screening in Hyderabad. The incident occurred on December 4 at Sandhya Theatre, where the premiere drew massive crowds. The stampede claimed the life of 36-year-old Revathi and left her nine-year-old son, Sri Tej, critically injured.
Of the total amount, Allu Arjun contributed ₹1 crore, while Mythri Movies and the film's director, Sukumar, each added ₹50 lakh. Film producer and Telangana Film Development Corporation chairman, Dil Raju, will oversee the transfer of the compensation to the family.
Allu Arjun’s father, veteran producer Allu Aravind, visited KIMS Hospital to check on Sri Tej, who is now off the ventilator and showing signs of recovery. "Doctors have informed us that Sri Tej is breathing on his own, which is a positive sign. We are hopeful for his fast recovery," Aravind said. However, citing legal advice, he refrained from interacting directly with the child’s family and requested Dil Raju to handle the compensation handover.
The incident has sparked criticism, with Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy condemning Allu Arjun for attending the screening despite police denying permission. The Chief Minister alleged that the actor’s roadshow and interaction with fans after the stampede exacerbated the chaos.
Hyderabad Police have since interrogated Allu Arjun for over four hours regarding the stampede. The actor, currently out on bail, reportedly stated that he only learned of Revathi’s death the day after the tragedy.
The incident has raised concerns about crowd management and safety measures during high-profile events in the city.