Telugu actor Allu Arjun was interrogated by Hyderabad Police for nearly four hours in connection with the stampede at the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rise, which led to the death of a woman and injuries to her young son earlier this month. The questioning took place at the Chikkadpally police station, where Arjun arrived around 11 a.m. on Tuesday, accompanied by his father, Allu Aravind, and his legal counsel.
According to sources, Arjun cooperated fully during the session and answered all the questions posed by investigators. He claimed he learned about the tragic death of Revathi, the 35-year-old woman, the following day.
The inquiry was conducted under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Ramesh and Circle Inspector Raju. Arjun was asked whether he was aware that the police had denied permission for his attendance at the screening and whether his public relations team had briefed him on the situation at the Sandhya Theatre, where large crowds gathered to see him. Sources also hinted that the actor might be summoned again and potentially taken to the theatre to reconstruct the sequence of events.
CCTV Footage Emerges Amid Investigation
CCTV footage from the venue surfaced during the investigation, showing chaotic scenes as fans surged inside the theatre, overwhelming security personnel. The footage revealed a man wielding a wooden stick attempting to control the crowd, only to be pushed aside in the chaos.
Security Tightened at Allu Arjun's Residence
Heavy security was deployed outside Arjun’s home following an incident on Sunday, when individuals claiming to be Osmania University students stormed the premises. The group vandalized property, threw tomatoes, and demanded Rs 1 crore in compensation for the victim’s family. Six individuals were arrested in connection with the vandalism but were granted bail on Monday.
Stampede Incident and Legal Proceedings
The stampede at Sandhya Theatre occurred on December 4, during Arjun's visit to promote the premiere of Pushpa 2. Revathi lost her life, and her eight-year-old son was hospitalized after sustaining injuries. Following the incident, police filed a case against the actor, his security team, and the theatre management under various provisions of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS).
Arjun was briefly arrested on December 13 but secured four weeks of interim bail from the Telangana High Court on the same day. He was released the following morning.
In a gesture of support, Arjun announced financial assistance of Rs 25 lakh for the victim’s family, while the producers of Pushpa 2 contributed an additional Rs 50 lakh.
The investigation into the incident remains ongoing, and further questioning of the actor and others involved is expected.