Anupam Kher's Mumbai office on Veera Desai Road fell victim to a burglary recently, as the actor revealed in a social media post. Thieves reportedly broke into the premises overnight, forcibly entering through two doors. Kher lamented the loss of an entire safe from the accounts department, which remained intact, and the theft of film negatives belonging to a production under his company.
In a heartfelt note shared on Instagram, Kher expressed his dismay over the incident and reassured followers that an FIR had been filed promptly. The actor also shared CCTV footage capturing the thieves leaving the scene, loaded with stolen items, in an auto-rickshaw. He urged for justice, expressing hope that the culprits would be swiftly apprehended by the authorities.
Anupam Kher, known for his prolific career in Bollywood, also updated fans on his upcoming projects amidst the setback. He is set to appear in Anurag Basu's anticipated anthology film 'Metro...In Dino,' featuring a stellar ensemble cast including Aditya Roy Kapur, Sara Ali Khan, Konkona Sen Sharma, Pankaj Tripathi, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Ali Fazal, and Neena Gupta. Kher's recent film credits include 'IB71', 'The Vaccine War', 'Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay', and 'Kaagaz 2'.
The Mumbai Police have assured Kher of their efforts to apprehend the burglars swiftly, investigating the burglary and working to recover the stolen items, including sensitive film negatives.