Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal recently addressed a gathering in the city's Moti Nagar area, urging people to support his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. During the rally, Kejriwal expressed concerns about his potential return to Tihar jail and appealed to voters to choose the AAP symbol, 'jhadu,' to prevent this outcome.
Kejriwal criticized the BJP, alleging that his arrest was a consequence of his efforts to serve the people of Delhi. He highlighted initiatives such as building schools in the Delhi-NCR region and claimed that the BJP was against such progress. Kejriwal also shared his experience of being denied insulin injections for 15 days while in Tihar jail.
He warned that a BJP victory would hinder the progress made in Delhi, including initiatives like providing free electricity, improving schools, and establishing Mohalla Clinics. Kejriwal emphasized the importance of supporting AAP's candidate, Somnath Bharti, in the New Delhi Lok Sabha constituency.
Earlier in the day, Kejriwal announced "Kejriwal ki Guarantee," a set of ten promises to be fulfilled by the INDIA bloc if elected to government, including reclaiming Indian land from Chinese occupation.
Accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, Kejriwal conducted a roadshow in Moti Nagar to garner support for AAP ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. The polling for all seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi is scheduled for the sixth phase on May 25.