Fabrizio Longo, a 62-year-old executive with Audi Italy, tragically died on Sunday after falling approximately 10,000 feet during a mountain climbing expedition near the Italian-Swiss border. An experienced climber, Longo had served as the Director of Audi Italy since 2013, according to reports.
Despite using the necessary safety equipment, Longo suffered the fatal fall. Another climber who witnessed the incident immediately contacted emergency services. A rescue helicopter later discovered his body lodged around 700 feet deep in a gorge. Longo was pronounced dead at the scene, and his remains were subsequently transported to the nearby Italian town of Carisolo.
Authorities have launched an investigation to determine the circumstances leading to the accident.
Longo began his career in the automotive industry in 1987, working for major brands such as Fiat and Lancia. He joined Audi in 2012 and took on the role of Director of Audi Italy the following year.
Audi expressed deep sorrow over the loss, with a company representative describing Longo as a person of "great integrity" who created a workplace characterized by warmth and respect.