Bhartruhari Mahtab, renowned for his extensive parliamentary experience spanning seven terms, has been entrusted with the responsibility of pro tem Speaker of the Lok Sabha. The appointment was formally announced by Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju, highlighting Mahtab's pivotal role in presiding over the inaugural session of the Lower House following general elections.
As pro tem Speaker, Mahtab will play a crucial role in conducting the first meeting of the newly constituted Lok Sabha. His duties extend to overseeing the election proceedings for the Speaker and Deputy Speaker, a significant responsibility during the formation of a new House of Parliament.
Mahtab's appointment underscores his stature and proficiency in parliamentary affairs, having served as a Member of Parliament (MP) for several terms representing the people's interests. His experience and leadership are expected to ensure the smooth functioning of initial parliamentary procedures and the establishment of the Speaker's office.
The pro tem Speaker position is critical in parliamentary tradition, ensuring the orderly conduct of proceedings until a regular Speaker is elected by the Members of Parliament. Mahtab's tenure as pro tem Speaker is anticipated to uphold the integrity and efficiency of legislative processes in the Lower House.
This appointment reflects the confidence placed in Mahtab by the parliamentary leadership, recognizing his astute leadership qualities and deep understanding of parliamentary protocols. It sets the stage for a smooth commencement of legislative activities in the newly constituted Lok Sabha under his stewardship.