The BJP's Kerala unit chief, K Surendran, took a dig at the Congress for nominating Priyanka Gandhi Vadra from Wayanad, suggesting sarcastically that the party might consider her husband, Robert Vadra, for the upcoming Palakkad Assembly bypoll. Surendran mocked Rahul Gandhi's assertion of Wayanad being their family's constituency, implying nepotism within the Congress ranks.
Responding to BJP's criticism, Robert Vadra expressed happiness over Priyanka's decision to contest from Wayanad. He hinted at his potential political aspirations, stating that he could follow Priyanka into Parliament at the appropriate time.
"They're worried and troubled. They're strategizing on what to do next. Priyanka will raise important issues. She has championed women's rights with slogans like 'Ladki hoon lad sakti hoon' (I am a girl and I can fight). BJP cannot lecture on dynastic politics anymore," Vadra remarked in an interview with PTI.
Earlier, Congress announced Rahul Gandhi's decision to vacate the Wayanad seat and retain Raebareli, while Priyanka Gandhi makes her electoral debut in the Wayanad bypolls.
The BJP condemned the move as emblematic of dynastic politics, with spokesperson Shehzad Poonawala criticizing Congress as a family-run enterprise rather than a political party.
Meanwhile, former Union Minister and BJP leader Rajeev Chandrasekhar accused Congress of betraying Wayanad voters by imposing successive family members without transparency.
"There is shamelessness, and then there is Congress-style shamelessness – imposing one dynasty member after another on Wayanad voters, concealing Rahul's candidature shift," Chandrasekhar asserted.
Rahul Gandhi, who won from both Wayanad and Rae Bareli constituencies, had to vacate one seat within 14 days of the Lok Sabha results announced on June 4.