Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon found herself embroiled in a heated altercation on Saturday night after a group of women accused her and her driver of assault. The incident, which unfolded near Rizvi College on Mumbai’s Carter Road, was captured in a shocking video that has since gone viral on X (formerly Twitter).
The footage shows Tandon pleading with the women, repeatedly saying, "Please don’t hit me," as she attempts to shield herself from their blows. Contrary to the women's accusations, CCTV evidence revealed that Tandon's car did not hit anyone, suggesting she intervened to defend her driver.
According to a report by Free Press Journal, Tandon's driver is accused of rash driving, allegedly injuring three women, including an elderly lady. The situation escalated when the women confronted the driver, prompting Tandon to step out of the vehicle. The report further claimed that Tandon was under the influence of alcohol and had verbally and physically abused the women. One of the women was heard in the video saying, "You will have to spend the night in jail. My nose is bleeding," while Tandon implored bystanders, "Don’t push. Please don’t hit me," and asked not to be filmed upon noticing a camera.
However, sources close to Tandon told News18 that the narrative being circulated is misleading. The source explained that around 9 pm, the group of women gathered outside Tandon's residence and were the initial aggressors. They allegedly started shouting and fighting with the driver, prompting Tandon to intervene in his defense.
The source questioned the absence of a formal complaint by the women if they were indeed injured first, suggesting the accusations against Tandon and her driver were fabricated. "Unlike what's being reported, Raveena wasn’t drunk," the insider asserted.
As the matter is now with her lawyer, Tandon has not made any public statements regarding the incident. The actress's camp insists on her innocence, pointing to CCTV footage as evidence that she was not the aggressor in the altercation.