Last week, Eknath Shinde took oath as Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, ending nearly two weeks of speculation over whether the Shiv Sena leader would cede the Chief Minister's post to the BJP's Devendra Fadnavis. The suspense finally resolved with Shinde's decision to step down, making way for Fadnavis. However, the next phase of tension is brewing, as the Maharashtra government's cabinet formation remains a key challenge for the BJP-led Mahayuti alliance.
Sources told NDTV that Shinde may not attend the crucial meeting in Delhi between Fadnavis, NCP leader Ajit Pawar, and Home Minister Amit Shah, where the distribution of ministries will be discussed. This cabinet allocation battle could spark another round of negotiations, with each ally vying for significant portfolios.
Shinde's faction of the Shiv Sena is reportedly pushing for the high-profile Home Ministry, which was held by Fadnavis in the previous administration. This is seen as a major demand to balance the loss of the Chief Minister's position. However, the BJP is reluctant to give up control of the Home Ministry, arguing it has several capable candidates to run the department.
Meanwhile, the NCP, which won fewer seats but claims a better strike rate, is demanding a share of key portfolios. The party is particularly interested in reclaiming the Finance Ministry, which was previously held by Pawar. The Shiv Sena also reportedly has its eyes on this portfolio, creating further complications in the negotiations.
A preliminary agreement on portfolio distribution was reached last month, with the BJP set to receive 22 ministries, the Shiv Sena around 12, and the NCP nine. However, the final decisions must be made by December 16, when the new Maharashtra Assembly convenes, leaving little time for finalizing the cabinet structure.