Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu visited the Lord Venkateswara Temple in Tirumala on Friday to participate in the annual Brahmotsavams. Naidu, accompanied by his wife, made a ceremonial offering of "pattu vastrams" (silk robes) to the deity on behalf of the state government. The couple carried the silk robes on a golden plate atop their heads as they entered the temple through the main entrance.
Following the offering, the temple's chief priests performed a traditional ritual, tying the Parivattam (sacred thread) on Naidu, who also adorned the Thirunaamam on his forehead. The TTD Executive Officer, Shyamala Rao, along with Additional EO Venkaiah Chowdary, presented Naidu with Sri Vari’s Sesha Vastram (sacred cloth) as a mark of honour.
Earlier in the day, the Supreme Court ordered a Special Investigation Team (SIT) probe into allegations that the previous Andhra Pradesh government had used substandard ghee containing animal fat in the preparation of laddu prasadam at the Tirupati temple. The SIT, which will be supervised by the CBI and include state police officers and a representative from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), is tasked with investigating the claims. The Supreme Court emphasized the importance of the investigation, noting that the issue could hurt religious sentiments globally. The probe will be monitored by the CBI director.