A civil services aspirant in New Delhi’s Old Rajinder Nagar, identified as Anjali, has died by suicide due to depression and overwhelming pressure from her studies, according to police reports on Saturday. In her suicide note, Anjali expressed distress over escalating housing rents and urged the government to address scams in government examinations and generate more employment opportunities.
Anjali, who was preparing for the Civil Service Examination, mentioned her inability to cope with life's challenges and a lack of peace in her suicide note. She passed away on July 21, shortly before three UPSC aspirants lost their lives due to flooding at Rau’s Study Circle, a coaching center in the same area.
Anjali’s friend, Shweta, informed India Today TV that Anjali’s rent had been increased from Rs 15,000 to Rs 18,000. In her note, Anjali apologized to her parents, stating, "I am sorry Mummy Papa. I am really fed up with life now, and there are just problems and issues with no peace. I need peace. I tried every possible way to get rid of this so-called depression, but I can't overcome it." She also noted that despite consulting a doctor, her mental health did not improve.
Anjali had been driven by the dream of clearing the UPSC on her first attempt, and her note reflected her awareness that her death would attract significant media attention. She was a student from Maharashtra living in a rented room in Old Rajinder Nagar, a well-known hub for Civil Services coaching in Delhi.
In her plea to the government, Anjali wrote, "...also please reduce the scams in government exams and generate employment. So many youths are struggling for jobs." She further highlighted the high cost of Paying Guest (PG) accommodations and hostels, calling them exploitative. "PG and hostel rents should also be decreased. These people are just looting money from the students. Not every student can afford it," she added.
Delhi Police have registered a case and initiated a probe into the matter.