Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a sharp attack on the Congress during his address in the Lok Sabha on Saturday, accusing the party of disregarding constitutional principles and fostering discord in the country. His remarks came as part of the debate on the Constitution.
Key Points from PM Modi’s Speech:
Respect for India’s Heritage:
PM Modi highlighted the vision of the Constitution's framers, who celebrated India's unity in diversity and acknowledged the country’s long-standing cultural and democratic traditions. "The Constitution makers didn’t believe that India was born in 1947 or that democracy started in 1950. They believed in our thousands of years of heritage and culture," he stated.
Congress’s Alleged Disregard for the Constitution:
The Prime Minister accused the Congress of repeatedly attacking the Constitution for political gain. “One family of the Congress left no stone unturned in hurting the Constitution. They pursued wrong policies and disregarded its principles at every opportunity,” he said.
Pandit Nehru’s Approach to the Constitution:
Modi criticized former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, claiming that Nehru suggested making changes to the Constitution if it posed hurdles to governance. “The Speaker and others advised Nehru that this was inappropriate, but he ignored their concerns,” PM Modi alleged.
Emergency as a Dark Chapter:
Referring to the Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi in 1975, PM Modi called it a grave misuse of constitutional provisions. “The Constitution was torn apart when it was completing 25 years. Emergency turned the country into a jail, stripping citizens of their rights and silencing the media. Congress will never be able to clear this stain,” he said.
Constitutional Amendments Under Congress:
The Prime Minister further claimed that Congress had “tasted blood for power” and amended the Constitution 75 times in 60 years, often compromising its integrity.
PM Modi's remarks triggered a strong reaction from Congress MPs, with the opposition rejecting his allegations. The debate underscored the ongoing political tussle over the legacy and interpretation of India’s Constitution.