In a dangerous attempt to test their grip strength, two individuals in Pune staged a perilous stunt for an Instagram reel. A woman clung to a man's hand, dangling from the edge of a building approximately 100 feet above the ground, while another person captured the risky act on camera. Unlike Emma Stone, who used a safety harness to perform a similar scene as Gwen Stacy in 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2', this woman had no such protection.
The identities of those involved remain unknown. The stunt occurred near Swami Narayan Temple in Pune and featured a multi-camera setup. One person filmed from the roof, another from the ground, and a third leaned over the edge to get the shot. Notably, no safety measures were in place during the filming.
The video, now viral, has sparked outrage on social media. Users condemned the act as reckless and unnecessary, with many calling for action against the content creators. Despite the backlash, no official complaint has been filed.