In a tragic incident unfolding at Cyber Chowk in Maharashtra's Kolhapur, a speeding Hyundai Santro, driven by a 72-year-old man, collided with four bikes before crashing into a parked vehicle. The aftermath of the collision, captured on CCTV, revealed the harrowing scene as the Santro plowed through the intersection, claiming the lives of the driver and two others, while leaving six injured.
The driver, Vasant M Chavan, a retired Pro Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University Kolhapur, had celebrated his 72nd birthday just two days prior to the fatal crash. Reports indicate that the vehicle careened uncontrollably, leading to the tragic accident that unfolded at 2:26 pm amidst the bustling traffic of Cyber Chowk.
Witnesses recounted the horrifying moment when the speeding Santro collided with the bikes, propelling riders and pillions several feet away. Miraculously, a couple on one of the bikes narrowly escaped being struck by the vehicle, which then collided with a parked car, resulting in a devastating chain reaction.
Post-crash footage depicted the chaotic aftermath, with bystanders rushing to aid the injured victims strewn across the road. The Santro, after crashing into a nearby pole and flipping over, added to the chaos of the scene.
Authorities are currently probing the circumstances surrounding the incident, with initial speculations suggesting that Chavan may have been unwell or lost control of the vehicle.
The tragic crash claimed the lives of the driver and two others, with six individuals sustaining injuries. The identities of the victims remain undisclosed as investigations continue into the heart-wrenching collision.
Vasant Chavan's extensive career spanned prestigious institutions like IIM-Ahmedabad, along with notable roles as a former college principal and director of Bharatiya Vidyapeeth's institutions. He served as the Pro-VC of SUK from April 2001 to March 2004, leaving behind a legacy marred by this unfortunate tragedy.