Delhi's Education Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Atishi intervened on Thursday, instructing Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar to revoke transfer orders affecting 5,000 government teachers. The Education Department had earlier issued a directive on June 11 requiring teachers with over 10 years of service in one school to apply for transfers, with non-compliance resulting in automatic transfers decided by the department.
At a press briefing, Atishi expressed dismay over alleged corruption surrounding the transfers, stating that despite her orders against such actions, nearly 5,000 teachers were transferred on July 2. She emphasized the crucial role of these teachers in the success of Delhi government schools, highlighting achievements like students entering IITs and performing well in exams like JEE-NEET.
Meanwhile, the AAP accused the BJP of undermining Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's education reforms by orchestrating mass teacher transfers, an action criticized as detrimental to the city's education system.