In a tragic turn of events, a DJ lost his life in Ranchi, Jharkhand, after a dispute escalated into a fatal shooting at a local bar.
The incident unfolded in the early hours of May 27 at the Extreme Sports Bar, where DJ Sandeep found himself embroiled in an altercation with a group of men over music selection. Despite an initial resolution to the dispute and the departure of the group, they returned after the bar's closing hours, resulting in Sandeep being shot dead.
CCTV footage captured the chilling moment when a half-naked assailant, identified as Abhishek Singh, brandished a rifle and fatally shot Sandeep at close range before fleeing the scene.
The harrowing incident has left authorities scrambling for answers, with an intense investigation underway, including interrogations of bar staff and a search for the suspect using available surveillance footage.
Sandeep's untimely demise serves as a grim reminder of the escalating violence in public spaces, prompting calls for swift justice and enhanced security measures to prevent such tragedies in the future.