The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) allegedly received Rs 7.08 crore in foreign funds from 2014 to 2022, violating the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), the Representation of People Act (RPA), and the Indian Penal Code (IPC), according to the Enforcement Directorate (ED). The ED submitted these allegations to the Union Home Ministry, claiming AAP received donations from countries including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, and Oman.
AAP dismissed the accusations as a political conspiracy to tarnish the party's image ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in Delhi. The ED’s investigation found irregularities in AAP's foreign fund collections, accusing members like MLA Durgesh Pathak of misusing funds raised during a 2016 event in Canada.
Emails between AAP volunteers and leaders, including Aniket Saxena and Kumar Vishwas, revealed the misuse of donations. The ED stated that multiple donors used the same passport numbers, email addresses, mobile numbers, and credit cards to contribute to AAP, violating FCRA rules.
The ED’s report detailed that Rs 51.15 lakh in donations were received using the identities of Canadian nationals, with AAP misrepresenting the donors' identities to hide foreign contributions. It also claimed AAP created AAP Overseas India to mobilize foreign funds, setting a target of Rs 50 crore in 2016.
During a fundraising event in Canada, emails indicated Pathak and Kapil Bhardwaj instructed donations to be transferred directly to them. Other fundraising events showed discrepancies between actual donor names and AAP's official records.
Delhi Minister Atishi accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of fearing Arvind Kejriwal and using the ED to defame AAP, claiming it was another BJP conspiracy ahead of elections. She asserted that similar false allegations would continue to arise.