In a significant development, Mumbai police have arrested a 32-year-old engineer from Gujarat, identified as Viral Shah, over his involvement in a social media post that hinted at a bomb threat during the wedding of Anant Ambani, the youngest son of industrialist Mukesh Ambani. The arrest came after heightened security measures were put in place at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai's Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), where the lavish wedding took place on July 12.
Viral Shah, a resident of Vadodara, was apprehended by the Mumbai police's crime branch at his residence in Gujarat early Tuesday morning. The police had been on high alert following a post by a user @ffsfir on social media, which raised concerns about a potential disruption at the high-profile event. The post read, "My mind is wondering shamelessly that half the world would go upside down tomorrow after a bomb went off at the Ambani wedding. trillions of dollars in one pin code."
Prompted by the alarming nature of the post, Mumbai police launched an immediate investigation to trace its origin and assess the credibility of the threat. This led them to Shah's location in Vadodara, prompting a swift response from the crime branch to apprehend him.
Anant Ambani's wedding to Radhika Merchant, daughter of pharma tycoons Viren and Shaila Merchant, was a star-studded affair attended by celebrities from across the globe, prominent politicians, and top figures from the Hindi and south Indian cinema industries. The event also saw the presence of numerous top cricketers from India.
The security measures for the wedding were stringent, with extensive arrangements made to ensure the safety of all attendees. The arrest of Viral Shah underscores the Mumbai police's proactive stance in dealing with potential security threats, especially at high-profile events involving prominent personalities like the Ambani family.
Shah is currently being brought to Mumbai for further legal proceedings, where he is likely to face charges related to making a threat of violence or disruption. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and swift action in addressing online threats that can impact public safety and disrupt societal events.Engineer arrested, bomb threat, Anant Ambani wedding, Mumbai police, social media post, security measures, Gujarat resident