A devastating fire broke out at the neonatal ward of Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, on Friday, killing at least 10 children. The fire sparked panic, causing a stampede as patients and others inside the hospital scrambled to escape the flames.
Firefighters responded swiftly to the scene, rescuing at least 37 children from the hospital. Jhansi's top officials, including the District Magistrate, Senior Superintendent of Police, and Inspector General of Police, arrived promptly to manage the situation.
Jhansi District Magistrate Avinash Kumar speculated that a short circuit could have been the cause of the fire.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed deep sorrow over the tragedy and offered condolences to the families affected by the loss. He instructed district authorities to provide the best possible medical care to the injured. "The loss of young lives in the NICU of the medical college is heartbreaking. Relief and rescue operations are being carried out on a war footing," Adityanath said on social media.
Deputy Chief Minister Brijesh Pathak and Principal Secretary (Health) Partha Sarthi Sen Sharma were dispatched to Jhansi to oversee the response, and the Chief Minister has ordered a report on the incident to be submitted within 12 hours by the Divisional Commissioner and DIG of Jhansi.