Former India cricketers Yuvraj Singh, Harbhajan Singh, Suresh Raina, and Gurkeerat Mann are embroiled in controversy after a police complaint was lodged against them for allegedly mocking people with disabilities. The complaint follows their Instagram reel, where they were seen limping to the beats of the viral song ‘Tauba-Tauba’ from Vicky Kaushal’s upcoming film Bad Newzz.
In the reel, the cricketers humorously depicted their post-tournament conditions after participating in the World Championship of Legends. The video, which also caught the attention of Vicky Kaushal, who commented with laughing emojis, was criticized by Para-badminton star Manasi Joshi for ridiculing differently-abled individuals. Harbhajan Singh responded by removing the reel and issuing an apology on his Instagram story.
The controversy intensified when Arman Ali, Executive Director of the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP), filed a complaint with the Amar Colony police station's SHO. The complaint also names Sandhya Devanathan, Vice President and Managing Director of Meta India, for allegedly violating the Information Technology Act, 2000, by permitting such content on the platform.
Arman Ali highlighted that the video violated Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, which ensures the right to life with dignity, and breached Section 92 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, as well as Supreme Court guidelines from the Nipun Malhotra case. He urged authorities to take stringent action against the cricketers, emphasizing that they should be penalized for their actions.