Four Indian nationals, including three from Telangana, tragically lost their lives in a multi-vehicle collision in Anna, Texas. The victims, who had connected through a carpooling app for their journey to Bentonville, were involved in a five-vehicle crash when a speeding truck failed to slow down and rear-ended their SUV. The impact caused the vehicle to burst into flames, trapping the occupants inside. All four were burned beyond recognition.
The victims were identified as Aryan Raghunath Orampati from Hyderabad, his friend Farooq Shaik, Lokesh Palacharla, also from Telangana, and Darshini Vasudevan from Tamil Nadu. Authorities used the carpooling app to assist in their identification.
Aryan Orampati, who lived in Bentonville, was returning after visiting his cousin in Dallas. Lokesh Palacharla was traveling to meet his wife in Bentonville, while Darshini Vasudevan, a Master’s graduate from the University of Texas at Arlington, was on her way to visit her uncle. Farooq Shaik had completed his MS in the US and was living in Bentonville.
Aryan’s father, Subhash Chandra Reddy, owns Max Agri Genetic Private Limited in Hyderabad. A family member expressed the shock of his loss, sharing that Aryan had planned to work in the US for two more years before returning to India. Farooq Shaik’s family, too, is reeling from the tragedy, with his sister in the US helping manage the situation.
Authorities are now conducting DNA fingerprinting to confirm the victims' identities, relying on teeth and bone remnants. The process has been delayed due to a long holiday weekend, prolonging the agony for the families involved.
Darshini Vasudevan’s parents have appealed to India’s Union External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, for assistance in bringing their daughter’s remains back home. Her father, who had been in contact with Darshini shortly before the crash, expressed their deep grief in an emotional plea on social media.