AAP supremo and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced the launch of the 'Sanjeevani' scheme, which promises free healthcare services for senior citizens in the national capital. The initiative, set to roll out if the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) retains power in the upcoming Assembly elections, aims to provide comprehensive medical care to all Delhi residents aged 60 and above.
Under the 'Sanjeevani' scheme, senior citizens will have access to free healthcare services in both private and public hospitals across Delhi, with no income-based restrictions. Speaking about the plan, Kejriwal stated that AAP volunteers would visit households within two to three days of the scheme’s launch to facilitate registrations for eligible individuals.
The announcement comes on the heels of another major welfare initiative, the Mukhya Mantri Mahila Samman Yojna, which provides financial assistance of ₹1,000 per month to women in Delhi. Kejriwal has promised to increase this amount to ₹2,100 after the elections, as part of AAP’s efforts to strengthen its appeal among key voter groups.
In his address, Kejriwal highlighted the party’s efforts to connect with senior citizens and women voters ahead of the February 2025 Assembly elections. During a recent padayatra in Badarpur, he cited an internal survey showing that 60% of women in Delhi are likely to vote for AAP. Urging the remaining 40% to back the party, Kejriwal remarked, "There must be some shortcoming in my efforts if 40% of women are not voting for me. This time, I want 100% of women to support the Aam Aadmi Party."
The upcoming elections will be a crucial test for AAP as it seeks a third consecutive full term in Delhi, following its decisive victory in 2020, where it secured 62 out of 70 seats. With initiatives like 'Sanjeevani' and its outreach to women and elderly voters, the party is banking on its governance model to maintain its stronghold in the national capital.