A 35-year-old gym owner was fatally shot in South Delhi's Greater Kailash 1 area on Thursday night, according to police reports. The incident, captured on CCTV, shows the gym owner, identified as Nadir Shah, engaged in conversation with another individual when a gunman approached and opened fire. Shah, who was of Afghan origin and resided in CR Park, was hit multiple times before the attacker fled on a motorcycle.
The shooting occurred around 10:40 pm. The video footage, exclusively obtained by NDTV, depicts the attacker, wearing a checkered shirt, discharging 6 to 8 rounds. The shooter then quickly escaped the scene. Shah was rushed to Max Hospital but was declared dead upon arrival.
Rohit Godara, a close associate of Goldy Brar from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, has reportedly claimed responsibility for the killing in a social media post, although NDTV has not independently verified the post's authenticity. Godara's post alleges that Shah was targeted due to interference with their business operations, a claim linked to messages from an imprisoned associate.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Ankit Chauhan confirmed that Shah, who also had business interests in Dubai and a history of criminal cases, was a police informer with connections to senior Delhi Police officials. The police are investigating the case, having found bullet casings and projectiles at the scene.