On Wednesday, the BJP-led Haryana government declared a 10% reservation for Agniveers, individuals recruited into the Army through the Agnipath scheme, in police and mining guard positions. This announcement comes just months before the Haryana Assembly elections, amid reports that dissatisfaction among the youth regarding the Agnipath scheme impacted the BJP’s performance in the Lok Sabha elections.
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini stated that a 5% reservation would be provided to Agniveers in Group C posts, along with a three-year age relaxation for both Group C and Group D positions. Additionally, the government will offer interest-free loans up to ₹5 lakh for those Agniveers aspiring to start their own businesses.
Introduced by the Centre in 2022, the Agnipath scheme aims to streamline the armed forces and reduce the defence pension bill. Under this scheme, personnel are recruited into the Army, Navy, and Air Force on a four-year short-term contract, with only 25% of the recruits eligible to continue for an additional 15 years under permanent commission.
The Agnipath scheme was met with nationwide protests, as critics highlighted the uncertain future for those leaving the service after four years. Reports indicated that the BJP's performance in the recent Lok Sabha elections was negatively affected in areas with a high number of defence personnel.
BJP allies, including Nitish Kumar's JD(U), have called for a review of the scheme, noting visible resentment during the elections. The opposition has demanded the rollback of the scheme, especially amid controversies regarding compensation for Agniveers who die in the line of duty.
Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan has initiated consultations with veterans from the Army, Navy, and Air Force to discuss the recruitment scheme further.