India's top wrestler, Vinesh Phogat, faced a devastating setback just hours before her much-anticipated final at the Paris Olympics 2024. Competing in the 50 kg freestyle wrestling category, Vinesh was disqualified after being found 100 grams over the weight limit. Usually competing in the 53 kg category, she had cut down her weight for the Paris Olympics. On the second day of her weigh-in, she was just over the limit by about 100 grams, leading to her disqualification. The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has since appealed the decision.
Sources say Vinesh discovered last night that she was 1 kg over the limit. In a desperate attempt to shed the excess weight, she underwent a gruelling night of cycling and other exercises, managing to lose 900 grams. She did not sleep the entire night, striving to meet the weight requirement before the competition.
After the weigh-in showed she was still over the limit, Indian officials requested more time from the Olympics committee, but there was "very little elbow room for negotiation," according to sources.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his disappointment but lauded Vinesh Phogat's resilience in an encouraging post. He spoke with IOA president PT Usha, directing her to file a strong protest and explore all appeal options.
Vinesh had made history by becoming the first Indian woman to reach the final of a wrestling event at the Olympics. Her disqualification, on the brink of a gold or silver medal, has left India in shock.
Despite being assured of a silver, her disqualification means she will not receive any medal in the Paris Games.
Vinesh's journey at the Paris Games began with arguably her toughest bout against Japanese wrestler Yui Susaki, a four-time world Olympic champion who had never lost an international bout. Vinesh pulled off one of the biggest upsets in the Games by defeating Susaki.
She then defeated Ukraine's Oksana Livach to secure a berth in the semi-finals of the women's 50 kg freestyle event. Though tears of joy rolled down her cheeks, her mission was not yet complete.
In the semi-finals, Vinesh outperformed Cuba's Yusneylis Guzman Lopez, confirming a medal and becoming the first Indian woman wrestler to reach an Olympic final.
However, Tuesday morning brought heartbreak for Vinesh Phogat and a billion Indians.