Parts of Delhi-NCR experienced heavy to moderate rain on Friday, causing waterlogging in several areas. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an 'orange' alert, advising residents to prepare for potential disruptions in transport, power outages, and more due to severe weather conditions.
The IMD warned of isolated heavy rain in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh, with thunderstorms and lightning expected across northwest India. Delhi’s maximum temperature is expected to stay around 28°C, six degrees below normal.
A depression near Uttar Pradesh's Shahjahanpur is projected to move north-northeast, which may provide relief from the persistent rainfall in Delhi-NCR over the next 24 hours.
Other regions, including Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Madhya Pradesh, are also expected to receive rain over the next few days. Uttarakhand is forecasted to experience heavy downpours from September 13-14, while Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are likely to witness heavy to extremely heavy rain from September 13-15.
Authorities have advised caution due to the potential for transport disruptions and localized flooding.