The Hyderabad Police issued a fresh summons to actor Allu Arjun on Monday in connection with the tragic death of a 35-year-old woman during a stampede at the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rise at Sandhya Theater. The actor has been asked to appear for questioning at 11 am today.
The stampede occurred on December 4 when thousands of fans gathered to catch a glimpse of the actor. Tragically, the woman died, and her son was hospitalized. Following the incident, a case was registered against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theater management under various sections of the Indian Penal Code at Chikkadpally police station.
On December 13, the actor was arrested but was granted interim bail later that day by the Telangana High Court. He was released on December 14.
The incident has sparked further unrest, with protestors vandalizing Allu Arjun's Hyderabad residence on Sunday evening. A group of individuals, claiming to be students of Osmania University, demanded Rs 1 crore as compensation for the victim's family and caused damage to the property, including throwing tomatoes. Six people were arrested in connection with the vandalism but were granted bail by a local court today.