uja Khedkar, a 23-year-old trainee IAS officer, has levied allegations of harassment against Pune Collector Suhas Divase amidst an ongoing investigation into her actions. Khedkar, who is under scrutiny for allegedly misrepresenting her disabilities to secure a position in the Civil Services, was recalled from her post in Washim, Maharashtra, and directed to return to the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration in Uttarakhand.
Last week, the government initiated an inquiry following accusations that Khedkar falsified her disabilities and misused her authority as Assistant Collector in Pune to obtain privileges not typically available to junior officers. The Collector's office released WhatsApp chats between Khedkar and unidentified individuals, where she reportedly demanded special office accommodations and a government vehicle, actions deemed inappropriate for probationary officers.
Further controversy surrounds Khedkar's alleged misuse of government privileges, including the use of a red beacon and a 'Government of Maharashtra' tag on her private Audi sedan. Questions have also arisen regarding her claims of physical and mental disabilities, with reports suggesting discrepancies in her medical certifications.
ALSO READ: Probationary IAS Officer Puja Khedkar's Training Suspended Amid Forgery Allegations
Recently, Khedkar called women police officers to her home to share information on unspecified matters, adding to the unfolding drama surrounding her tenure and the investigations against her. Her parents have also become embroiled in legal issues related to her case.
While Khedkar had previously refrained from commenting, citing government regulations, she recently criticized what she described as a "media trial" surrounding her situation. The developments have stirred significant public and governmental scrutiny, underscoring broader concerns about ethical conduct and transparency within the Civil Services examination process.