The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for Delhi-NCR (National Capital Region) after heavy rain drenched the city on Wednesday evening. The sudden downpour resulted in widespread waterlogging, severely impacting traffic and pedestrian movement.
According to the latest forecast, moderate to heavy rain is expected to continue in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, and Ghaziabad, with wind speeds reaching 30-50 km/h. The red alert is in effect until 9 PM.
The IMD stated, "Moderate rainfall accompanied by moderate thunderstorms and lightning is likely to occur at North Delhi, Central Delhi, New Delhi, South Delhi, South-East Delhi, East Delhi, NCR in the next two hours."
In addition to Delhi-NCR, nearby regions such as Panipat, Bhiwani, Jhajjar, Jind, Hisar, Karnal, Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, Bijnor, Nuh, Rewari, Alwar, Narnaul, Palwal, Hodal, Hathin, Aligarh, Bulandshahr, and Mathura are also expected to experience rainfall.
Waterlogging in Delhi-NCR:
The heavy rains have led to significant waterlogging in various parts of the Delhi-NCR region, causing disruptions in traffic. Visuals shared on social media show severe waterlogging in Rajendra Nagar, the same area where three IAS aspirants tragically drowned three days ago due to basement flooding during rain.
Other affected areas include RK Puram, Janpath, Parliament Street, Karol Bagh, Nauroji Nagar, Pant Marg, Mayur Vihar, among others. In Noida, waterlogging has been reported in the Gaur City area.
The weather department has forecasted that the rainy conditions are likely to persist until August 5.