The Indian cricket team has been confined to their hotel in Barbados after the island's airport was closed due to the intensification of Hurricane Beryl on Sunday, June 20. The hurricane, which had already been classified as a Category 3 storm, has now strengthened to a Category 4, according to Vikrant Gupta of India Today. This escalation has led to a curfew-like situation, preventing anyone from stepping outside.
The Indian team, who recently secured the T20 World Cup 2024 on June 29, now faces uncertainty as Beryl is expected to make landfall by Monday morning. Gupta tweeted about the current situation, stating that the team would remain indoors as the storm is anticipated to hit Barbados within the next few hours.
"So the Barbados airport has been shut. It’s now a curfew-like situation and nobody is allowed to step out. Hurricane Beryl is expected to hit in the next 6 hours. Already started drizzling. Beryl upgraded to Category 4 (the second most severe). Team India to stay indoors, packed in their hotel. Nobody knows what’s in store the next 24 hours. Unsure about travel plans," he reported.
The Washington Post highlighted that Beryl is predicted to impact the Windward Islands with winds surpassing 130 mph. The Hurricane Center has forecasted a storm surge of 6 to 9 feet and rainfall amounts between 3 to 6 inches. The storm is expected to maintain its strength as it moves across the southeastern and central Caribbean Sea from late Monday through Wednesday.
With the severe weather conditions, the Indian cricket team’s travel plans remain uncertain, and their immediate focus is on staying safe as Hurricane Beryl approaches.