Actor and politician Jaya Bachchan had a tense exchange with Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday after he addressed her as "Jaya Amitabh Bachchan" while inviting her to speak during a debate. Visibly displeased, Bachchan criticized Dhankhar for using what she described as an "unacceptable tone," which prompted protests from Opposition members who eventually walked out of the session.
During the session, Bachchan, who represents the Samajwadi Party in the Rajya Sabha, expressed her objection to Dhankhar's tone and demanded an apology, stating, "I am an artist and I can read body language and expressions. However, your tone is inappropriate. We are your colleagues, but your tone is unacceptable."
In response, Dhankhar reminded Bachchan of the importance of maintaining decorum, regardless of her celebrity status. He sternly replied, "Jaya ji, you have earned a great reputation. But every day, I do not want to have to repeat myself. You are speaking about my tone? Enough of it. You may be a celebrity, but you must respect the decorum."
As the Opposition members continued to protest in support of Bachchan, Dhankhar asked them to return to their seats, though his request went unheeded. He stated, "I have to act and take control of the situation," before accusing the Opposition of attempting to disrupt the proceedings and destabilize the country. Dhankhar added, "There is a lack of decorum. You are neglecting your duties."
After the walkout, Union Minister JP Nadda, who serves as the Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha, proposed a censure motion against Bachchan for her remarks directed at Dhankhar.
This incident marks the third confrontation between Bachchan and Dhankhar over the past 10 days regarding the use of "Jaya Amitabh Bachchan" in addressing her. On July 29, and again on August 5, Bachchan had raised objections to the use of her husband's name as her middle name, asserting that women have their own identities. Dhankhar informed her of the official process to change the name in the records of the Election Commission.