External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Parliament on Thursday to brief him about the ongoing violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. Sources indicate that Jaishankar discussed the situation, which has escalated in recent months, with more than 200 attacks reported on the minority community since the downfall of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League government in August.
Jaishankar, who had recently returned from Italy after attending the G7 Foreign Ministers' Outreach session from November 24 to 26, also updated the Prime Minister on the discussions held during the event. During his visit to Italy, he met US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and held talks with foreign ministers from several other nations, including the UK, France, and Ukraine.
The meeting with PM Modi comes at a time when violence against Hindus in Bangladesh has intensified. This week, the situation worsened after Hindu monk Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmachari was arrested at Dhaka airport on charges of sedition for allegedly insulting Bangladesh’s national flag during a rally in October. The arrest led to protests in Dhaka and Chittagong, where clashes between his supporters and security forces resulted in a Muslim lawyer’s death. Six suspects have been arrested in connection with the murder.
The Bangladeshi government has filed a writ petition to ban the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), accusing the organization of being a "religious fundamentalist group." Meanwhile, over 30 individuals, including members of the Awami League party, have been detained for vandalism and assaulting police officers during the protests.