Actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut has reported receiving death threats from Sikh extremist groups following the release of the trailer for her upcoming film Emergency, where she portrays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The threats, which surfaced online, prompted Ranaut to seek police assistance, tagging law enforcement agencies from Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab in her social media post.
In one video, Vicky Thomas Singh, a convert to Nihang Sikhism, indirectly referenced the assassination of Indira Gandhi, cautioning that if slain Khalistani militant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale is depicted as a terrorist, there would be consequences. Singh evoked the memory of Indira Gandhi’s bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, who assassinated her in 1984, implying that those who can sacrifice their heads for their cause could also take action against others.
Various Sikh organizations have called for a ban on the film, claiming it casts the Sikh community in a negative light. The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) expressed concern over the portrayal of Bhindranwale, whom they consider a martyr, and criticized any depiction of the entire Sikh community as separatists.
In addition to the threats, Kangana Ranaut faced backlash from farm leaders after making controversial statements comparing the farmers' protests to the unrest in Bangladesh. In a video posted on social media, Ranaut claimed that during the protests against the three farm laws, instances of hanging bodies and rapes were reported. She suggested that foreign powers were behind the unrest, even after the laws were repealed.
Farm leaders condemned her remarks, with Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Dilbagh Singh Hooda demanding an apology and warning of protests if one is not forthcoming. The Sayunkt Kisan Morcha (non-political) also urged the BJP to disassociate itself from Ranaut’s comments, warning that failing to do so would align her views with the party's stance. Despite the controversy, the BJP clarified that Ranaut’s remarks did not reflect the party’s position and advised her to refrain from making such statements in the future.
Ranaut further praised Indira Gandhi for her actions against separatist forces, likening the former prime minister’s efforts to crushing separatism "like mosquitoes."