Ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, the political tensions between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the BJP have escalated, with former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal accusing the Centre of targeting his party. Kejriwal claimed that the national capital’s tableau had been deliberately excluded from the Republic Day parade, calling it an act of vendetta politics by the BJP.
During a media interaction on Sunday in New Delhi, Kejriwal criticized the Modi government for excluding Delhi's tableau from the annual event, asserting, "Delhi's tableau should be included every year as it is the nation’s capital. What type of politics is this? Why do they hate Delhi and its people so much?" He further questioned why the people of Delhi should support the BJP, citing the party’s ongoing attacks on him and his party.
The ongoing clash between AAP and BJP over the exclusion of Delhi’s tableau from the Republic Day parade has intensified in recent years, with Delhi's tableau also missing from the 2025 parade list.
For the 2025 Republic Day, tableaux from various states and Union Territories, including Bihar, Jharkhand, Chandigarh, Karnataka, and West Bengal, have been selected. However, Delhi’s proposal was not approved by the Tableau Selection Committee, which follows a rotating roster system. According to the Ministry of Defence, the process is impartial and based on merit, creativity, and a fair rotation of participating states and UTs.
The Defence Ministry further clarified that while Delhi was among the shortlisted states for 2025, its tableau proposal did not meet the committee's criteria. Other states, such as Mizoram and Sikkim, did not submit proposals, while Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep did not attend selection meetings.
Despite being governed by AAP, Punjab’s inclusion in the parade underscores the impartial nature of the tableau selection process. The selection procedure for the 2025 Republic Day remains based on artistic creativity and not on political considerations. India will celebrate its 76th Republic Day on January 26, 2025.