In the run-up to the Delhi Assembly elections, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal took aim at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), accusing it of hesitating to announce a chief ministerial candidate out of fear of electoral defeat. Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, Kejriwal claimed that the BJP had internally decided on former South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri as its candidate for the top post but was delaying the announcement.
Kejriwal stated, "The AAP has been clear from the outset that I will be the chief ministerial candidate. Sources suggest the BJP's Central Election Committee has likely chosen Ramesh Bidhuri for the role. If true, I congratulate him and urge him to present his track record as an MP over the last ten years and outline his vision for Delhi."
The AAP chief proposed a public debate between himself and Bidhuri, asserting that such a platform would allow Delhi’s citizens to assess each candidate’s plans for the city. "This debate will bring clarity to the people about each party's vision for Delhi and India. We await the BJP's official announcement of his candidacy, which is expected soon," he added.
BJP Counters with Criticism
The BJP dismissed Kejriwal’s claims, launching a sharp counterattack. BJP leader RP Singh pointed to court-imposed restrictions on Kejriwal in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case, which allegedly prevent him from functioning as chief minister.
Singh remarked, "Kejriwal speaks about being the chief ministerial face, but the court has barred him from signing files, entering the CM’s office, or holding meetings as chief minister. This order remains in effect."
Taking a dig at AAP’s governance, Singh added, "Which face are you showcasing? The one that promoted free alcohol schemes, allowed liquor shops near schools and temples, or splurged taxpayer money on extravagant renovations of the CM’s bungalow? The BJP doesn’t need a face. Our symbol, the lotus, represents clean and honest governance, and our workers are reaching every household with this promise."
Controversy Surrounding Ramesh Bidhuri
Ramesh Bidhuri, the alleged BJP candidate for chief minister, has faced his share of controversies. In September 2023, he made headlines for using Islamophobic slurs against Amroha MP Danish Ali, drawing widespread criticism. More recently, Bidhuri stirred debate with remarks about Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi and AAP leader Atishi, leading to public backlash and a reprimand from his own party.
Allegations of Extravagance
The BJP also targeted Kejriwal over alleged excesses in the renovation of the chief minister’s residence, mockingly referring to it as "Sheeshmahal." This criticism ties into broader attacks on the AAP government, with opposition parties accusing it of misusing public funds for personal luxuries.
As the battle for Delhi intensifies, the rivalry between AAP and BJP is shaping up to be a high-stakes contest, with both sides sparring over leadership, governance, and vision for the capital.