Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced his plans to visit Mahatma Gandhi's memorial at Rajghat and the Hanuman temple in Connaught Place before surrendering to Tihar Jail authorities on Sunday. His three-week interim bail in the Delhi liquor policy case ended on June 1, and a Delhi court has deferred its decision on his plea for interim bail on medical grounds until June 5.
The AAP leader, who will likely head to Tihar Jail around 3 PM, also intends to stop by the AAP office on Delhi's DDU Marg to meet with party workers before his surrender. Expressing gratitude to the Supreme Court for granting him a 21-day interim bail to campaign in the Lok Sabha elections, Kejriwal detailed his itinerary in a tweet:
"First, I will go to Rajghat and pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi. From there, I will go to the Hanuman temple in Connaught Place to seek the blessings of Hanuman ji. Then, I will visit the party office and meet all the workers and party leaders before leaving for Tihar," Kejriwal shared.
Ahead of his surrender, Kejriwal convened a meeting of the AAP's political affairs committee at his residence, followed by a session with the opposition INDIA bloc. During these discussions, he emphasized the importance of unity among AAP leaders during his absence, according to sources cited by PTI.
The meetings coincided with exit poll predictions suggesting a decisive victory for the BJP in Delhi's Lok Sabha elections. The India Today-Axis My India exit poll forecasted 6–7 seats for the BJP, with the AAP-Congress alliance potentially securing only 0–1 seat.
Last week, Kejriwal sought a seven-day extension of his interim bail from the Supreme Court on medical grounds, citing weight loss and high ketone levels that required medical tests. However, the Supreme Court registry denied an urgent hearing for his plea. Subsequently, Kejriwal approached the special CBI-ED court for interim bail, with the court reserving its order until June 5.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has opposed Kejriwal's request, arguing that the AAP chief had actively campaigned throughout the elections without apparent health issues.