Kerala has confirmed the country’s second case of Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) on Wednesday. The state’s Health Minister, Veena George, stated that a 38-year-old man from Malappuram tested positive for the virus after returning from the United Arab Emirates. The patient promptly isolated himself after noticing symptoms and was later admitted to the Manjeri Medical College for treatment.
In a Facebook post, Ms. George urged the public to report symptoms immediately and seek medical assistance from the state’s Health Department.
India reported its first Mpox case nine days ago, involving a young man in Delhi who had returned from West Africa. The individual remains stable and isolated to prevent further spread of the virus.
The government has reassured the public that there is no widespread threat at present, confirming the detection of ‘clade 2’ of the virus in both cases. This strain was first seen in India in July 2022. It differs from ‘clade 1,’ the more dangerous strain that prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare Mpox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) last month.
The government has issued advisories to states and union territories to review public health measures, with specific emphasis on educating healthcare workers, especially those in dermatology and STD clinics, about Mpox symptoms and protocols.
While there is no need for panic, the government stressed the importance of public awareness, noting that Mpox primarily affects men aged 18 to 44 and often presents with rashes, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. Transmission occurs mainly through prolonged close contact, including sexual contact.
Last month, the WHO declared Mpox a global health emergency due to a rise in cases beyond Africa, particularly in nations like the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, and Uganda. The outbreak has led to over 100,000 lab-confirmed cases and around 220 deaths worldwide since January 2022.
Vaccination is available and can prevent infection, with the WHO recommending it be administered within four days of exposure, or up to 14 days in the absence of symptoms.